TCF Mission Statement:

At Monitor Administrators, we understand the importance of enhanced transparency and discipline to increase customer confidence in order to support the sustainability of this industry. We therefore embrace the fact that all customers need to be treated fairly and this is entrenched in our culture and business practices.

TCF Principles

The principles as implemented by the company are set out below:


The fair treatment of customers is central to Monitor Administrators’ culture. At all times we render services honestly, fairly, with integrity and in the interests of the client.


Products and services marketed and sold by Monitor Administrators are designed to meet the needs of identified customer groups and targeted accordingly. We inform our intermediaries of our target market for all our products and undertake required portfolio analysis.


Monitor Administrators customers are given clear information and kept appropriately informed before, during and after the time of contracting. We maintain systems and procedures to ensure that any communication, verbal or written, is recorded appropriately, is retrievable and safe from destruction.


Where customers receive advice, the advice is suitable and takes into account the customers circumstances. Our advice, when given, is based on the product and the customer’s circumstances/needs and we ensure that it is understandable.


Monitor Administrators products perform as we have led our customers to expect and our service is of an acceptable standard in line with our customers’ expectations. We promote staff education/training and product awareness.


At Monitor Administrators, we endeavour to avoid any unreasonable post sale barriers to make changes to a product, switch provider, submit a claim or make a complaint. We provide regular transparent customer communications and distribution strategies; we manage customer expectations and claims handling practices with integrity and fairness.

If you have any questions about our TCF principles, please contact us

Innovate. It’s that simple. We want to change the rules of the game